We had an amazing time this past Saturday, April 15th, at our Mother/Son Dance called "Ties and Tiaras." Parkview boys were also to welcome to bring their favorite hero. We had a dance contest, food and drink booths, fresh popcorn, Mr. Hoke teaching how to tie ties, Ms. Diana Kent-Hoke, teaching line dancing and helping to lead the "La Marcha," and so much more! Thank you Mr. Jeff for being our DJ and Ms. Janice, Ms. Straley, Ms. Mary Edwina, Ms. Thota, Ms. Pam Winton, Ms. Padma, Ms. Morgan, Ms. Colette for helping out at the dance. Also, thanks go out to Ms. Cherokee for making a beautiful backdrop for picture-taking. AND....thanks go out to all of the Parkview boys and parents/heroes who accompanied them!

Mother/Son Dance @ Parkview
April 17, 2023