Danny Hicks
Transportation Director
Email | 575-418-5386

Bethany Morales
Administrative Assistant
Email| 575-838-3117

The Transportation Department’s Mission is to provide safe, reliable and efficient student transportation to and from school; and all extra-curricular activities.

2024-2025 Bus Routes

If you have any concerns, questions or need assistance in bus routes, times, bus drivers etc., we encourage parents/guardians to contact prior to school starting. If you have any questions or need help finding your bus stop, Please call Danny @ 575-418-5386 or Jenny @ 575-838-3117.

NOTE: Please send students to bus stop at least five to ten minutes earlier for the first couple of weeks of school until bus establishes the designated stops and times. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Transportation Guidelines

The statutory walking distance must be enforced as in any other school district throughout the state of New Mexico.

  1. One mile, one way for students in grades kindergarten through sixth.

  2. One and one half miles, one way for students in grades seven through nine.

  3. Two miles, one way for students in grades ten through twelve.

Reminder: Breakfast will be served at each school site.

Inclement Weather Procedures

Decisions to cancel or delay school are made by the Superintendent and/or Transportation Director after reviewing driving conditions. Teachers on duty will arrive and remain on duty as assigned until a decision to delay school which may result in an abbreviated day for both students and staff. Depending on weather conditions some bus routes may be canceled for the day while others will only be delayed. Poor conditions may also cause school to be let out early.

Whether a delay or closure, maintenance, custodians and principals should report by 7:00 a.m. to check buildings. If the call is for school closure, those personnel reporting can be dismissed once the campus is secure. Clearing of sidewalks and walkways should be a priority before anyone is dismissed.

If school is delayed, it will be for 2 hours, which means all staff other than maintenance, custodians, and principals, would report 2 hours later than normal report time. Any delays or closures will be broadcast on KYRN Mine Country 102.1 FM. If bad weather proceeds, local television will be notified the night before of any delays or closures. (KOAT TV 7 & KRQE News 13)